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Taken as a still from a video I took of Bites blowing bubbles

Taken as a still from a video I took of Bites blowing bubbles

Learning to roll with Mummy, Lovie and Bean!

Bean having fun rolling with Mummy and Lovie

A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013

#JanuaryJoy – JanuaryJoy update

So, I made the resolutions and I’m glad I have written them down aswell as the whys, its nice to have a point of reference for when you’re in a slump.

Have a dry week/month…I’m breastfeeding and have been off booze for the best part of two years, there is no way I am giving up the odd glass of wine!!

Date wise…we haven’t planned any of our Alphabet Dates yet…kinda waiting for our latest addition to settle down a bit.

Crisp walk…if only it had been crisp instead of soggy! Sogginess does not lend itself well to walking with a mad boxer and two babes HOWEVER when it sorts itself out we will be heading on over to Virginia Waters, one of our favourite walks.

Skin care. I have addressed my skin care, or should I say lack there of! I was treated to some gorgeous new pampering items for Xmas and I have been putting them into practice. And with the bags I am currently packing I am on the look out for some eye cream recommendations (on a tight budget, natch!), the vaseline just isn’t cutting it anymore (ms Anniston has no kids, that’s why it works on her)

Listen to some new music…I’d like to listen to any music that isn’t me singing the wheels on the bus, or something of my own creation that entertains the bean no end!! I plan to go through Penny’s old posts on Florence Finds and get downloading. I’m also desperate to try Spotify as a way of getting some recommendations based on what I used to listen to! I love how music can transport you to a moment in time, and I’d love some new songs to evoke the memories I’m currently making as they are the best yet – being a Mum is everything and nothing like how I expected but all the same I am loving the ride.

Exercise class is going to be Zumba, I’m still trying to pluck up the courage to do it. I know I’m out of shape and I’m terrified to find out just how out of shape I am!!

Happy Birthday to my Bean!!


So my gorgeous little girl has turned 1!
As soon as you have a baby, people tell you how fast the time will go and to enjoy them (kinda like when you get engaged/married people will constantly ask when you’re going to sprig up). And I have to tell you, the first 8 weeks of beans life were not fast!! You have to learn so much, and change so quickly you’d think it would go fast, it doesn’t…must be the sleep deprivation, don’t get me wrong though – I loved them. As I have everyday the past year. Yes it has been tough, but we’ve had a lot on over that year. Moving into a house share that categorically did not work and put us under more strain than a couple planning their wedding in 3 weeks with a 3/4 month old baby should be under, getting married, starting new jobs. Phew, it’s been a hell of a year, but it’s also been the one of the best.

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