#JanuaryJoy – Resolutions

A bit later than originally planned, but here they are:

  • Be Healthy.

Quite generic I guess, but I fell into a bit of a, ahem binge when I was pregnant – I had a sweet tooth and I couldn’t not indulge could I?! And I miss exercising, obviously with two gorgeous babes its going to be quite tricky. I’m going to rely on the 30 day shred hopefully in the morning before anyone wakes up, I’m also going to try Pilates again using a DVD one evening a week and for cardio…Zumba. Yes, cliché maybe but I don’t think running is on the board yet!

  • Blog more…

I miss blogging, I am hoping to be able to set aside two evenings a week to write my blog posts. Its something I enjoy doing so fingers crossed I manage it!

  • Do more as a couple.

Again, not particularly original but something we desperately need. As new parents anyone will know you kind of lose your sense of self, let alone find time to spend with your partner in crime that doesn’t involve sleeping! I saw this post about Alphabet Dating and knew it would help us stick to it, so I wrote my half out in a cheesy card and popped it into my mans stocking ready for Xmas morning. It will make us both remember to make time for each other but also use that time to do things, like we did before we became Mummy & Daddy!

  • Be more organised!

I’m a Mum, so that means loadsa shit to remember and absolutely no brain capacity left to remember it! So i have invested in one of these amazing Life Books to keep me on the straight and narrow. It really is great and although there are many bits I won’t currently use, as soon as the wee ones start school its going to be a life saver! For now though, the sections for a tear out shopping list, birthday pressie idea, MANY stickers to help you see at a glance what the week holds and a meal ideas space on each day not to mention the budgeting sections are helping me gradually get a grasp back onto my reality!

  • Don’t sweat the small stuff.

I’m not a worrier, so that’s not what this is about.

It’s about realising that some of the small things I’ve let get the better of me in the past not get me down. Yes, the are important to me but they aren’t the be all and end all. I am a house proud person by nature, I like things to be clean, and tidy. A toddler and newish baby do not a tidy house make! Yes there are days when I manage to do the house work, keep up with the hugemongous amount of washing, get dinner on the go and get the tots bathed and ready for bedtime, but there are also days where I just about manage to feed the toddler whilst making sure the baby sleeps (on me, of course) and not fall over all the toys ALL OVER the house. And guess what? That’s ok too. Yet, I still beat myself up on those days and that is what I need to stop…I’m not super mum. yet, anyway!

To be honest, it won’t stop here, I hope to keep this list evolving as the year progresses.